Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Prologue ..

How often have we wondered at things anew?
How often have we thought of the obvious things that we do?

Remember the time when u sat back .. and thought about life?
how about the time when dealing with a strife?

Like many things in life .. the beginning to this journey too starts with questions ..
Those small little thoughts that munch on your grey cells and live off your curiosity ..

I would be in denial if i ever said that i never doubted my religion .. coming from a devout hindu family i was taught to pray regularly .. never to waste food .. not to eat non-veg .. to do charity .. to touch elders feet .. to sing bhajans .. to do yoga ..

I never understood them .. and forever questioned .. following all these had more to do with a child doing what his parents told him to do rather than out of self effort ..

For why should i pray to the idols when its written in almost every scripture that god is everywhere?

What is really wrong in eating egg or chicken? Arent plants too living beings??

Why give stuff to the poor .. Cant they work hard for themselves?? Is it more to do with us 'showing' generosity or was it about them deserving better things than they got?

Why is it that people strive for salvation? To be free from the cycle of birth and death?? Dosent it imply that the world is not a fit place to live? Why then do all the so-called-enlightened ask people to be happy?

.. Not all the questions were negative though .. there were still questions that lingered which were enigma in themselves ..

Take for example: 'How is it that i am more privileged than others who are born in poorer families? What really is the reason for the disparity? If the roles could be changed .. why werent they???'

I never found the answers .. not in bhajans .. not in charity .. not in being good .. not in praying to god .. and never never in yoga ..

Life has its strange ways .. they say .. things come to you .. when you stop looking for them .. and so it was .. just when i was really like i could'nt care less .. things changed for the better .. and i began .. to realize .. and with it .. to see life in an altogether different perspective ..

And this blog ... this blog is all about my journey on the path .. the many turns and bends .. and the many ups and downs .. about the discovery of the answers (along with much much more) .. and why i believed in them ... about things as i perceive them .. about spirituality .. as i see it ...

Jai Gurudev!!


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